11 Useful Tips For Keeping Tesla White Seat Clean 

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Many simple practices can help you keep the seats of your Tesla clean throughout. Tesla seats are made of Vegan leather, and the quality weakens if they are cleaned often. Typically, you should clean the seats once a week if you use the car daily.

You can reduce the need to clean Tesla seats now and then if you protect them against dirt. Here, we’ll take you through practices to keep your Tesla seats clean.

Table of Contents

    Wipe With Distilled Water And A Microfibre Cloth

    Tesla comes in either black or white seats. The white seats get stained easily compared to the black ones. Therefore, owners of white seats are expected to be more cautious. You do not need expensive cleaning materials when you have distilled water.

    It is recommended you clean the white seats before the dirty dries up. If possible, always have a bottle of distilled water and microfiber cloth in the car. When a seat is dirty, wipe it softly and ensure you do not damage the vegan leather.

    Use Wet Baby Wipes

    Most Tesla users have baby wipes in their cars. Baby wipes are soft, and they cannot cause harm to vegan leather. The quality of the seats is preserved because there is no scrubbing.

    Use the baby wipes to clean when there is dirt on the seats. They are efficient and will preserve the quality of the seats. We recommend you clean immediately when the dirt gets to the seats. Baby wipes are water-based and won’t affect the quality of the vegan leather.

    Use A Leather Conditioner or PVC Moisturizer

    Tesla seats can last long without needing replacement if they are correctly maintained. The seats should be flexible and soft, which prevents the formation of cracks. The quality of vegan leather decreases faster if left dry for a long time.

    PVC moisturizers and leather conditioners can help prolong the life of Tesla seats. Naturally, leather in tesla seats dries up when exposed to the sun, dirt, friction, and mud. You can moisturize every few days to keep the seats naturally moist.

    Using Seat Covers 

    Seat covers offer direct protection to Tesla seats. You can protect the seats from materials that may affect their quality. The quality of Tesla seats is adversely affected when they are cleaned often.

    Seat covers will ensure the seats are clean and their quality is protected. Usually, Tesla seats begin to fade when they are always exposed to dirt or cleaned. Moreover, the covers protect the seats from chemicals can also ruin the vegan leather.

    Clean Up At A Time When It Gets Dirty

    Removing dirt when it gets on a surface before drying up is recommended. It is easy to clean dirt before it has dried up or stained the seats. You will require less effort, and the quality of the seats will not be adversely affected.

    It is recommended that you should clean Tesla seats once every week. The duration will vary depending on how frequently you use your car. If you don’t use the car daily, only clean it when it is dirty. The goal is to keep the seats clean while preserving their quality.

    No Eating Or Drinking In The Car

    Most Tesla car owners agree that food and drinks are the common sources of dirt in the car. It is common for people to take coffee, energy drinks, and snacks when in the car. Sometimes the food materials and drinks spill over the seats.

    It is easy to protect Tesla seats from food and drinks if you take them before getting into the car. You may carry prepared food and drinks but avoid eating in the car. We recommend you step out of the car whenever you want to have your coffee. You will not need to clean your car now and then.

    Avoid Parking in Direct Sunlight for a Long Time.

    Tesla cars are robust and designed to withstand all types of weather. However, taking precautionary measures is crucial. Some components in the car cannot survive such conditions for a long period.

    Tesla seats are affected by extreme heat and sunlight. Vegan leather can lose its moisture if exposed to the sun for a long time. We recommend you avoid parking the car in direct sunlight for hours daily.

    Sweet tips: You can open Cabin Overheat Protection (COP) to avoid high temperatures.

    Don’t Use Hand Sanitizer Inside Your Vehicle

    The Vegan leather in Tesla seats is affected by alcohol and alcohol-based liquids. In the era of the Covid19 pandemic, you can protect yourself while protecting your car seats.

    Most sanitizers are made from alcohol compounds. We recommend you sanitize before getting into the car. You should avoid spilling sanitizer from spilling over the seats. Alcohol may react with the vegan leather to form permanent stains.

    Wash New Dark-Colored Jeans Before Wearing Them 

    It is common for Tesla seats to get stains from our clothes. Jeans are the most notorious, and you may get into trouble if you do not remove the stains on time. Always check if the jeans you are wearing are leaving stains.

    Always wash any jeans before wearing them. When new, jeans may have excessive coloring, leaving stains on Tesla seats. Moreover, avoid wet fabric, which will likely leave their color on the seats.

    If You Have A Dog, Use A Dog Seat Cover

    Pets can be a source of dirt and stains. If you carry a dog in the car, it is important to protect the seats. Most Tesla car owners who have pets use seat covers.

    With seat covers, you will not need to clean the seats when they get dirty. Pets do not know how to care for the seats; hence seat covers are a quick solution.

    Put Ceramic Coating On The Seats

    Ceramic coatings are some innovative ways of protecting and caring for Tesla seats. The coatings repel stains; hence cleaning is not a challenge. If you coat seats with ceramic material, you do not need to clean them more often.

    Most dirt does not stick on ceramic coatings; hence cleaning won’t be challenging. Consequently, your seats will keep new look for a long time.

    Our Verdict

    These are some of the everyday practices that can help keep your Tesla seats looking new. Make these practices part of your routine, and your car will continue to look elegant.

    You don’t need expensive materials and detergents to clean your car. Moreover, protecting the seats from getting dirty or stained is more beneficial.

    If daily maintenance of seats is not easy things for you, you might be interested in our cleaning seat guide.

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